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EXTENDED LEARNING- Flipped Classes by the Parents

Education is a consequential phase in a child’s development and growth. The schools need to fulfil their responsibility of preparing the children to become lovable, respectable & responsible individuals of society. Experiencing early learning and care directly from the parents, helps children to develop their social and emotional lobes, in the brain. It makes them gain mental stability and career success later on in life.

Cooperation and collaboration between parents and teachers is the real secret to a child’s happy learning. With NEP 2020 in place, there should be a strong bonding between parents, teachers, and the school for the child’s overall development. To sustain and further continue this strong relationship the primary wing of Pallavi  Model School rose into action with a concept – Flipped Classes on 9th November 2022 at their Alwal branch.

The idea of the “flipped classroom” is an ongoing trend with staying power because of how it enhances students’ learning experience. The flipped classroom inverts the traditional learning experience. Flip classes were conducted in the school with a slight change instead of flipping the role of students and teachers. It was now the turn of our dear parents.

Parent’s expertise enthusiastically participated and taught our student English, Mathematics, and Environmental science. Children were very anxious to see their friends and parents sharing their experiences in various methodologies of concept-building activities. Parents not from the teaching profession got a few interesting new concepts innovatively and proved themselves as true teaching professionals. The excitement and enthusiasm were seen all through the day in both parents and children.

Parents Are the Best Teachers was once again proved. A perfect blend of teacher and parental involvement in a child’s education is one of the biggest contributors to their success.

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