Registrations are now open for the Academic Year 2024 - 2025 Click Here

Innovative Programs

EXTENDED LEARNING- Flipped Classes by the Parents

Education is a consequential phase in a child’s development and growth. The schools need to fulfil their responsibility of preparing the children to become lovable, respectable & responsible individuals of society. Experiencing early learning and care directly from the parents, helps children to develop their social and emotional lobes, in the brain. It makes them gain mental stability and career success later on in life.

Awakened Citizen Programme

A three year graded value education programme for students of upper Primary & Secondary level is being run in collaboration with Ramakrishna Mission at Pallavi Model School, Alwal

“ACP is a Journey through which we can manifest our Inner Strengths and use these lessons in every phase of our life”.

Article on Teacher-Led-Conference

“Tell me and I Forget, teach me and I Remember, Involve me and I Learn” we at Pallavi Model School believe in the above quote. We plan our curriculum keeping this thought in the mind. Children learn more efficiently if they are involved in each activity planned for them. We conducted Teacher-Led-Conference for our stakeholders (Parents) to create awareness about how their children are learning in our environment.

Panel Discussion – Conference on Health and Safety.

The panel discussion was conducted with parents to discuss about how health and safety are considered at Home and School.  Each parent was addressed with a questionnaire such as

  1.       How much of quality time, do you spend with your child every day?
  2.       Is physical health important?…
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