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Panel Discussion – Conference on Health and Safety.

The panel discussion was conducted with parents to discuss about how health and safety are considered at Home and School.  Each parent was addressed with a questionnaire such as

  1.       How much of quality time, do you spend with your child every day?
  2.       Is physical health important?
  3.       Do we need to consider the mental and emotional health of the child?
  4.       How should we take care of the social well-being of our children?
  5.       The quantity and quality of the food in the lunch box.
  6.       Does your child feel safe in the surroundings without you?
  7.       What is the role played by the parent for making children aware of good touch and bad touch?

The parents discussed the above questions and expressed without any limitations about their experiences at home pertaining to their children, likewise the queries about health and safety at school were addressed by the moderators with examples and illustrations.

The panel discussion concluded that the stakeholders and the school together work as a team for the holistic development of the child and develop the covenant bond to establish the same.

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